

There are days and there are days. There are days like so many, all different, precisely because they are the same, and days that seem a bit more special than others, even though if you were to look closely they do not appear so.
Some days you only need one reason. That’s enough and you carry on. Certain other days, however, it is not so. It is not enough.
Today, for example, is a day that I need 50 good reasons which are not listed in any classification of merit, or preference of taste or intentions. Reasons are reasons, not models or tennis players.

The 1st good reason is you and our kids and you and our children know why.
The 2nd good reason is love and you and our children know why.
The 3rd good reason is my parents and my brothers. They also know why.
The 4th is that this is an exciting journey, and though you may know how it will end, to me it just seems quite a beautiful journey to travel, a bit like a beautiful dream to dream.
The 5th is music. Music to listen, to play, that is already heard and that is already played.
The 6th is poetry, that which rhymes, that which is recited, that which is sung.
The 7th is literature, to read, that has been written and which is still to be written.
The 8th is happiness, which would not exist without the other 7 good reasons above.
The 9th is hope.
The 10th is awareness.

The 11th is joy, which is slightly different from happiness, but since I’m not a philosopher, I can’t explain what the difference is between joy and happiness.
The 12th is the spoken word.
The 13th are children.
The 14th are the mornings.
The 15th are the nights.
The 16th is water.
The 17th is food.
The 18th is wine.
The 19th is kindness.
The 20th is a smile.

The 21st is Bob Dylan.
The 22nd is a precise moment in a day, that moment where reality seems a still picture and you would want that moment to last so as to include all the other moments to come.
The 23rd good reason is peace.
The 24th is friendship.
The 25th is the sea.
The 26th is an acoustic guitar.
The 27th is an electric guitar and a piano.
The 28th is a small orchestra playing a waltz in a rural village square while people laugh and couples dance and the air smells of freshly baked bread and the sunset behind the mountains is a pink blanket that covers the horizon.
The 29th is a fresh autumn morning which is sunny on one side and on the other it begins to rain, and you stop and see in the distance two rainbows suddenly appearing.
The 30th good reason is having fun.

The 31st is salvation.
The 32nd are memories
The 33rd is the scent of the Earth.
The 34th good reason is the looks of the people who love you.
The 35th are black-and-white films from the 1950s.
The 36th is anger.
The 37th is disdain with regards to injustice.
The 38th was the last time you thought “enough is enough”.
The 39th is to run on the sand and dive into the waves.
The 40th good reason is desire.

The 41st are photos.
The 42nd are clouds.
The 43rd is the wind that sweeps across clouds and photos.
The 45th good reason lies in the fact that the angels probably exist. What they exactly do precisely, where they sleep, how they feed, what kind of wings they have, which type and what quantity of drugs they consume, how much flight autonomy they have and in what form or substance they present themselves, I don’t know and I swear I haven’t the slightest idea.
The 46th is every pain that goes away.
The 47th are the people who like you.
The 48th are people who don’t yet like you but maybe one day they will want to and if they don’t, have patience, for surely you will see it through.
The 49th are dreams.
The 50th good reason is here, or there, well somewhere, anywhere for what it’s really worth, so know that there are more than 50 good reasons, many, many more.

Qui il testo in italiano.
La traduzione in inglese è di Maria D’Alessandro, australiana, poetessa e autrice di canzoni.
Thank You, Maria!




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